The Nest Center for Journalism Innovation and Development helps you support media in Mongolia.

Why we exist

We believe that serving the needs of niche audiences can change lives and improve livelihoods.

That’s why we work with media organizations and entrepreneurs to create sustainable media for Mongolia.

How can we help?

Meet the team

  • Team structure

  • Revenue structure

What we do

We help you support media startups and journalists in Mongolia.

What can we do together?


Build capacity

Run capacity-building training for media startups and journalists


Grow business incubation projects for media organizations


Offer counselling services for media entrepreneurs



Grow sub-grant programs for media startups, and provide journalists with necessary equipment


Help journalists collaborate on cross-border projects for underreported issues


Our media landscape report

Mongolia: Codifying and funding the media ecosystem

A Splice Media report for Nest Center for Journalism, Innovation and Development and People in Need.